24/7 customer support

A Great Customer Support Tool : Live Chat

By lcasite

February 19, 2024

On line presence of business has totally changed the marketing and selling strategies. Business are now required to fully support their on line customers, enhance their experience and provide them with quality on line support.

Live chat is an effective tool which adds and complements phone, email, self-service and video customer service channels. It is a great tool for on line customer and can make your customers happy, increase conversion rates and a reduction in service costs.

Live chat is the perfect way to get in effective communication with the company. It has become the most prominent method for on line support and also yield the highest satisfaction rates among customers.

According to a survey, (from 2013 U.S. Wireless Customer Care Full-Service Performance Study) with in a on line channel, the chat feature has become famous as 42% of full-service customers are more comfortable using live chat, 23% on e mail while 16% use other social media forum.

The main feature which makes live chat fascinating among users are its efficiency and immediacy.

When customers are using live chat, the entire experience is quick and simple. While interacting with the live chat representative it is easier for the customer to enter order numbers and confirmation codes into a chat box for speedy service. Customers have the comfort of easily browsing and even have a look at the on line content while chatting. They can carry out the live chat support in the entire process of your shopping. Live chat results very few interruptions.

Lie chat is indeed helpful and it makes the entire on line experience incredible.