
live chat for website

Co-browsing amplifies your live chat assistance like nothing else!

By LiveChatAgent

January 06, 2024

What exactly does co-browsing mean? What has it got to do with live chat?

Well, co-browsing is the joint navigation through the World Wide Web by two or more people accessing the same web page at the same time. Now, to answer the second question above, here’s a detailed description. 

It’s a known fact that the humans are visual learners. What seems complicated theoretically can be simplified by explaining through images or videos. That’s what collaborative browsing does when integrated with live chat. There are instances when customer queries are too complicated to be solved by providing instructions over phone or chat. That’s where the live chat agents can simply start up a co-browsing session with the visitors and guide them towards the solution!

This powerful feature not only makes it easy for the website visitors to get their queries resolved but also provides satisfactory live chat experiences. Co-browsing offers a number of other benefits as well:

Co-browsing helps maintain the privacy of your machine:

Though collaborative browsing is all about navigating through the same web pages from two different locations, it doesn’t mean that the device data is at risk. In fact, it provides full control of your computer and desktop privacy.

Boosts agent efficiency:

When the live chat agents explain the entire problem-solving procedure visually, the problems tend to get solved faster. This implies an increased agent utilization as even the agents find it more convenient to help the visitors remotely. This eventually leads to a boost in agent efficiency.

Slow internet connection is not a problem:

Co-browsing is reliable even if the internet connection is slow due to some reason. It works considerably well even in such unfavorable conditions.

Helps boost conversion rates:

Since the live chat agents can guide the visitors through the website and support them in the purchasing process, customers are less likely to bounce off. Co-browsing helps keep the visitors glued to the website until they convert into customers. This further results in higher conversion rates as well as repeat customers.

Co-browsing takes your live chat assistance to an entirely new level. Why miss such a great opportunity?