24/7 Live chat for business

24/7 customer support

24/7 live chat assistance: Lesser known benefits of the amazing service!

By LiveChatAgent

January 14, 2024

You’ve probably heard about the benefits that a 24/7 live chat assistance offers to your website and business, isn’t it? You may have heard that it helps engage website visitors, convert them into customers, grow your business, boost sales and probably keep the customers coming back.

What if we say that’s not all?

What if we say there are a number of benefits that you are not yet aware of?

Don’t believe us? Read on.

Live chat helps drive down site errors:

Surprised? Well, it’s true. There are instances when visitors initiate a chat because they lost or forgot their logins or accidentally hit 404 pages. That’s where live chat comes into play and helps provide the much needed immediate guidance and eventually drives down the site errors.

Helps increase the average order value:

A 24/7 live chat service on your website helps you grab each and every opportunity even after your business hours are over. The impeccable tool not only helps increase sales but also aids in increasing the value of a sale by up-selling and cross-selling, thus, increasing the average order value.

Provides an effective channel discretion:

Social media is the first place, the users today, turn to when they are dissatisfied with a particular brand or business. Their anger may simply affect the brand’s reputation. However, if the brand uses a live chat service, these angry users can simply be provided immediate answers into a discrete space.

Offers a multilingual support:

With a 24/7 live chat service, the international businesses do not have to worry about time domains. They can serve all their users around the globe and that too in a language that they prefer. As a matter of fact, a live chat software comes with a multilingual capacity. This implies that all your messages can be translated back and forth in real-time thus removing the language barriers.

Eliminates the need to switch channels:

Live chat has put an end to the humdrum document transfer methods. Customers no more need to switch the channel to exchange documents. They can simply exchange the required documents within the live chat window itself that too without worrying about data security.

A 24/7 live chat assistance is much more than we’ll ever know. The more you know it, the more it surprises you!