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Benefits of live chat : Increase conversion

By lcasite

April 15, 2024

There are many benefits that come with live chat and the way in which it can improve the site performance. Here we are going to discuss the benefits of live chat in increasing conversions.

Reduced basket abandonment

Live chat is used to solve the customer problem whether it is big or small and that also with very little effort from the customer. The very basic reason for the customer for abandonment is simply not being able to get complete information or the information that they desire. With live chat, the customers can get a solution from live chat agent instead of giving up and going elsewhere.

Even there are proactive chat invites, here you don’t have to wait for your customers to come to you with their problem. Here, a strategy is implemented with live chat such that it triggers custom greetings when it looks that the potential customer is about to abandon the shopping cart.

Build rapport

Without a real brick and mortar shop, it is really difficult to earn trust and build a rapport with your potential customers.

The benefit that exists with live chat is that it can create this trust for customers online. According to a study it has been revealed that 41% of online shoppers say that they trust business with live chat more and will also make return purchases at sites which have live chat at their websites.

Trust is infused with live chat as the customers are having real conversations with real people.


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