Video chat


Video chat: Strengthening and making your live chat service unmatchable!

By LiveChatAgent

January 07, 2024

So far we have talked about live chat, its uses, and benefits. But there’s something that has the potential to add to the power of this already efficacious service. Yes! It’s a ‘video chat’ that makes all the difference. It takes a live chat experience to an entirely new level!

Video chats are typically conducted via a computer or any mobile device. These chats involve point-to-point interaction and are highly beneficial for the businesses around the globe. Here’s how:

Video chat is cost-effective:

The most important benefit that a live video chat provides is cost efficiency. It facilitates corporate communications by allowing for telecommuting for employees. This further helps in improving the productivity as no time is wasted in gathering people for face to face meetings. Instead, scheduling and conducting meetings is as easy as clicking a mouse button, thus, eliminating in-office costs.

Video chat is client-friendly:

The chat agents can give special attention to the clients using this powerful communication medium. Also, when a client indulges in a video chat, he/she feels special due to the personal care being provided to him/her. Moreover, when a face to face meeting helps the agents to understand the problems in a better way.

Video chat is mobile:

This is yet another important benefit that makes a video chat client and business-friendly form of communication. Prospective may come with their queries whenever they feel like. Similarly, the agents can acknowledge these problems accordingly. They can simply ditch their stable desktops and connect with each other using their mobile devices.

Hastens problem resolution:

A video chat takes the live chat assistance a step further by enabling the customers to view products and demos from agents. This improves the quality of communication and provides a higher resolution rate.

Catalyzes sale closures:

The company representatives can effectively study the behavior and interest-level of clients using a live video chat service. The customers can ascertain the quality of products or services through videos and demos shown to them. Thus, video chats provide a better understanding of customer requirements. They eventually help figure out the best possible solutions and close the deals successfully.

Enhance your customer service with this amazing feature without any ado!