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24/7 customer support

Create an engaging experience for your existing and potential customers with live chat.

By lcasite

April 13, 2024

Live chat is a platform which makes it possible for your customers to get in touch with your chat agents. Live chat not only allows you to chat but even to transfer files. Live chat, no doubts benefits your business in many ways as compared to email phone support and various other communication platforms.

Live chat marks reduced expenses

The conventional method of customer support has been phone support, however it has been proved very costly,both in terms of the person-hour cost and toll charges.

Live chat is a lot cheap than phone support and even does not cost much more than a quality email provider. Aberdeen Group Report 2012 shows that the companies save up to 50% on their support costs if employing live chat than traditional phone support.

This is also because of the fact that live chat allows your operators or staff to multitask and also attend to several customers at one time. With live chat most of the operators can handle three or more chats simultaneously.

This chat concurrency saves the business from a huge amount on personnel costs and man power. This is because of the fact that it allows only a few live chat agents to do the same amount of work as many other phone support employees.

Increased sales

Another study, American Marketing Association reveals that live chat hikes conversions by at least 20% and the usual ROI rate from paid live chat for sales team is some what about 300%.

The report also conveys that customers who are using live chat software are three times more likely to make purchase than those who have not indulged in live chat.

Live chat is a sure way to offer your customers the best and make them happy.



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