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Discover customer pain points with live chat

By lcasite

April 14, 2024

It is the internet revolution and the new digital marketing technology which have introduced many new terms and one such term is “pain points”. A pain point is referred to a problem that a customer is facing and has not yet been fixed or addressed.

With the conventional supports, it is tough to eradicate the issues as they can be only heard or received by any individual or a single team.

But the fabulous advantage with live chat is that here you are having the access to all the chat transcripts and even histories of your clients.

This makes it simple for the business to find out the pain points of the clients and also find effective ways to address and resolve them. This comes out to be one of the greatest benefits of live chat.

These transcripts, which comprises of the conversation between the chat agent and the customer, are also emailed to the client. This can be used for future reference if any issue arises, like there may be any discount mentioned by the chat agent which the company may resist giving. At that moment you can use the chat transcript as a proof of contact.

As per Aberdeen Group research report it was found that live chat was the most preferred method of communication for online shoppers as compared to other modes of communication methods.

Live chat makes it easy for your customer to do business with you and it usually leads them to respond with enhanced loyalty and spending.



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