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Do average website visitors like live chat?

By lcasite

March 01, 2024

Some interesting data revealing the facts about live chat in US and UK have been exposed. It has been observed that with more consumers being given the option of speaking to customer service employees in real time is influencing the purchase deals.

According to live chat effectiveness, a significant growth has been seen across the US and UK with more than 65% of on line shoppers being engaged in a live chat from the stats which was 50.4% during 2009. the figure is slightly lower in UK but still on an escalation at 53%, up from 41% in 2011.

Live chat is being preferred by the on line shoppers as the best customer service tool.

With the social channels on the boom, the website customers have an increasing number of options for interacting with customer service representatives in real time.

A survey made a study that in the US, 21% of on line shoppers prefer live chat, with a close number to those who favor using the telephone 23% and ahead of social media 2%. Whereas email is still giving a competition with a figure of 54% as the preferred method for on line shoppers to communicate with customer services.

What is it which is making live chat as one of the favorite among the customers as well as for the on line shoppers. Time is the key factor to chat fans. No hold time and convenience are the attractive features of live chat.

Of those who use live chat, 79% said they preferred live chat because they get their questions answered quickly and 46% agreed that it has been the most efficient communication method.