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24/7 customer support

How live chat can help in customer retention especially in hospitality industry?

By lcasite

March 15, 2024

If you are in the hospitality industry, providing superb customer service and customer satisfaction should be  your top priority. Offering proactive support for hotels and resorts are very essential for retaining customers.

Opt for a functional website and have channels that are efficient in having active communication with your clients. This plays an important role in improving customer satisfaction levels.

Live chat is one of the most efficient customer service channel and it us likely to earn you a competitive edge.

Live chat helps you in booking and pricing queries of the customers and that also in minimum time.

Live chat on your website strengthens your brand image as it casts an impression of yours as a business which has customer are as a priority.

If you are having proactive live chat at your website than the customer can directly receive all the relevant information from the chat representative without having to browse the website and information which is not available on the website can also b conveyed via chat. Reservations can also be made and even confirmed simply by adopting live chat.

Multiple customers can also be handled by live chat and the most impressing attribute is that at the same time it can offer personalized experience to each of its customer without letting them wait. Isn’t it amazing!

Another important aspect of your business is to offer customers timely information. For example if there is an event being organized on New year’s eve, live chat support at your website can be efficiently used to give out instant information.

Live chat can also offer suggestions to your customers and this will surely go a long way in building customer ever lasting customer relationship.

Hospitality business can go a long way in building long lasting relationship with its customers.




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