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How to keep visitors on your website and turn them into customers with live chat?

By lcasite

March 22, 2024

Today the customer behavior is changing rapidly. The shoppers are showing more inclination in buying stuff online and also desire to get personalized support to help them with their buying decisions.

They want to be assured that they have made the right choice and the product or service for which they have opted perfectly matches their taste. Relationship are still the goal, not anonymity! For all those visitors at your site who are expecting human interaction offering customer support through live chat is an important honey trap.

When the customer is there shopping online,he is in a haste and just would probably not call the concerned companies if he faces any issue. He would rather abandon the cart and move to your competitor site to check out what he has to offer. Here live chat plays an important role. The customer gets in touch with the business right there at the website and get all his concerns answered. This builds trust and boost the visitors, who may turn out to be your potential customer, confidence.

A visitor that trust you has more probability to stick around and become your loyal customer. Building confidence is not always that easy but with live chat you can not only build trust but also motivate the customers to make more purchases. The customers will be more comfortable to shop at your website as they know there is someone at the website and they are taken care off. All credit goes to live chat!



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