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How to leverage PPC for lead generation: I

By lcasite

November 21, 2023

Pay-per-click marketing refers to the way of using search engine advertising to generate clicks to your website, rather than earning those clicks organically. The basic idea is, every time your ad is clicked, sending a visitor to your website, you pay the search engine a pre-decided fee.When your PPC campaign is well-designed and running smoothly, the visit is worth more to your business than what you pay for it. PPC has the strongest potential of helping you achieve your goals, so, you need to know the tactics that’ll help you leverage PPC for your business:

1. Landing page is the way to go:

Firstly, what actually is a landing page? It is a single web page that appears whenever a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement is clicked. You should direct your prospects to a well-designed landing page instead of your homepage. The landing page usually displays directed sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement, search result or link. The actions that a visitor takes on a landing page is what determines an advertiser’s conversion rate. You can actually leverage your landing page to generate a direct action from a website visitor that will convert them either as a business lead or a paying customer. The key here is to directly go to the point and focus everything there in your landing pages with the only goal of lead generation in mind.

Landing page

2. Put up relevant fields in your contact forms:

Your forms should be focused only on the most important items that you need to know and avoid form fields that would ask a bunch of questions that are really not that relevant enough for your purposes. Since, lead generation forms are created for an important purpose, and that is to collect important information about a web page visitor and convert them into valuable leads. Therefore it becomes very important to have your forms designed with lead generation as its primary focus.

Lead generation form