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24/7 customer support

Live chat allows customers to multitask

By lcasite

April 12, 2024

The consumer expectation for customer service has reached new heights with tremendous expectations. Having the traditional customer support like phone and email have turned to be ancient.

If you want to differentiate your business, focusing on product and prices is not sufficient. You have to emphasize on ‘quality customer service ‘ which has turned out to be the buzz of the market. It has become important for you to give support to your customers on demand. How can you be sure that your customers are getting on demand support and their concerns are addressed as quickly as possible.

With live chat it is indeed possible. Live chat not only provides the customers with the solution of their queries but also allows them to multitask. No one wants to spend their lunch break on hold with your company. With live chat at your site, you can carry on with your daily chores or keep browsing and you shall be intimated by a ‘ping’ sound as soon as the reply is ready.

Even the chat agents can multitask with live chat. They can handle four to five chats at a time, with the help of canned responses and URLs.

Live chat is at your website 24*7 at your website which is a blessing for the clients and visitors as they can get in touch with your companies representatives when they have any problem.

Live chat also reduces response time and backlogged requests as it gives your business the opportunity to be there at the website round the clock.



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