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24/7 customer support

Live chat and its benefits.

By lcasite

March 21, 2024

We cannot ignore the amazing ability of live chat to provide the undoubted exceptional customer service. High level of customer satisfaction has been reported with live chat as compared to other conventional methods of customer support. The customers are happy with live chat and happy customers means a lot more to your business. They prove to make more purchases and also turn to be augment to your loyal customer list. Also they convey a positive word of mouth for your business among friends and relatives. No advertisement and social media presence can be an alternative for this sort of publicity.

Outside customer support there are lot more benefits that live chat provides. The three main benefits are

Here in this blog we will emphasize how to decrease cost with live chat.

Multiple chats : With live chat the agents can handle multiple chats at a time, which is something next to impossible with other forms of customer support like phone support. However it is important to ensure that the chat agents can handle the work pressure before they are given multiple chats to handle simultaneously.

Pre-written scripts : There are some FAQ, greetings and closing texts which can be provided with canned messages. Canned messages or pre- written scripts are used to speed up the process and also helps to save your agents valuable time in giving replies to your customers.

Direct customers to resource pages : Here the agents are given the privilege to guide the customers to FAQ and other resource pages which will quickly address their issues and speed up their response time.

Live chat is no doubt the excellent customer service channel.

For live chat contact us