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Live chat : another means of communication

By lcasite

May 01, 2024

Imagine you are in a store and have a concern or a question. But instead of approaching the sales associate they make you write an email or call the concerned business. Here you have to wait for the representative to come on the call or for the response of the email for 12-24 hours. It does sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?

The chances are that you will be fed up and move to a store that does not follow this foolish trend and serves you in a better way. But here the question is, despite being aware of this fact, why are the merchants doing this to their online customers?

There are people who still prefer to email or call but the majority that is not every one, wants to. There are many individuals belonging to all age group who appreciate and also use live chat just as much as millennial.

A study conducted by Forrester research reveals, “ Around 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a Web site can offer”

With live chat your visitors and potential prospects are able to get all their concerns and queries answered in real time with a human touch. Live chat is there at the website round the clock and from the customers perspective it is absolutely free.

Live chat is indeed a bundle of joy not only for the clients but for the business too.



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