Live chat for business

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Live chat: The most valuable asset for your business

By Live Chat Agent

December 20, 2023

Live chat is no longer limited to the fully fledged businesses. Understanding the importance and monitoring the credibility has made even the small enterprises understand the benefits of live chat. So in today’s digital and online market if you want to compete, you have to have that extra support, communication, and comfort for your customers.

A Telus International study reveals that 67% of online customers have a penchant for making purchases from companies that use live chat on their sites. Also, 63 percent of respondents make their visits quite frequent, once satisfied and happy with the services at your end. So, if your e-commerce site is not using live chat just remember that you are losing your potential customers in the hands of your business rivals who have that powerful gadget installed on their website. That’s a lot of potential revenue lost.

Live chat for business:

Live chat also has a proper vision of your business. It analyses the data it receives from various ends and with the help of that database you can create rules to route chat request to the concerned person or the department based on your business requirements. This saves your and the client’s time too.

Saves time

With a chat support, you can also initiate proactive invitations. You can send a message to the customer when he is visiting your site and stays there for a pre-determined length of time. This type of invitation helps your agent to up-sell or cross-sell. By engaging visitors in chat, agents and representatives get an opportunity to build a harmony by answering questions or simply providing thoughtful suggestions.

This type of interaction adds up to higher shopping cart values and creates loyal customers for a business. Online chat provides customer support like a breeze, giving your business invaluable benefits. The benefits include inflated sales, boosted profits, strengthened customer relationships and a lot more.

Proactive live chat