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Live chat benefits – Online sales and support

By lcasite

March 30, 2024

Live chat is the ultimate customer support channel. Adding live chat at your website can provide many benefits to your website visitors. Live chat increases your online revenues with a hike in the conversion rates and large order sizes.

Live chat enables you to start selling instantly by communicating with your visitors who are there at your website browsing. Implementing live chat at your website lands you and your customers with an awesome experience.

Live chat also allows you to proactively seek sales and have feedback.

While being reactive live chat can also be used to proactively. Here instead of waiting for the customer to encounter a problem, get frustrated and then click the chat button to get assistance, proactive chat works in a different way.

Here the chat agent can initiate the chat on the companies behalf. Proactive chat is basically introduced at pages which have observed a high bounce rate. That is the customers are there at your site but abandon the shopping cart. With proactive chat the agents can directly interact with the customers and offer them help. Basically it is easy for the agents to know the customer pain points and offer them customized help to enhance the shopping experience.

With proactive chat you can literally help your customers before they leave your website.

Live chat is all there to enhance online sales and support.



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