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Live chat : Boost Web Traffic

By lcasite

March 17, 2024

With the rise of the popularity of smart phones and tablets, the business have begun to recognize the need and importance of having a strong online presence. According to a report publishes by Bain and Company it is also seen that online customer engagement can lead to 20% to 40% increase in sales.

Now the basic question which arises is how to engage the customers. Live chat is a popular and the ultimate tool which allows the companies to have communication with the existing as well as new customers. Having live chat at the website can be very beneficial as it helps your business to build strong relations and bond with the customers.

Basically when a visitor is at your website, it is usually to get information and if he knows that there is someone at the website waiting to assist him, it leaves your customer happy and satisfied. There are instances when the customer is having problem in locating a particular product on the website or he just wants to know about some specifications and particulars about a product.

At this moment live chat agent appears to be a hero as he can guide the visitor and resolve all his doubts and queries.

Even there are post sales queries which are also entertained by the live chat agents. There are people who are your current customers and want to know about the status of their order or are interested in knowing about the return policies. Live chat is all there to support you with your doubts and confusions.



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