Live chat boosts conversion rates

24/7 customer support

Live chat for conversion: Here’s how it boosts your business’s success

By lcasite

December 12, 2023

So far we have seen that live chat benefits a business in a number of ways. It can help reduce the bounce rates and site abandonment rate, boost sales and build strong customer relationships. There’s one more benefit of using live chat on your website. Wondering what it is? Well, live chat if used appropriately can increase your business’s conversion rates. Want to know how? Read on.

Provides a personalized customer experience:

Live chat feature can be made less robotic by adding agent’s photos. This helps make the experience more natural and engaging. You can also consider personalizing the greeting message. According to a research, targeted offers convert better as compared to the ones that are not.

Boosts average order value:

Live chat can actually be leveraged for upselling the online customers as they complete their order. Live chat is not only about providing support and answering questions.  It can be strategically used to upsell a likely conversion. This can further help increase the average order value of your business.

Live chat employs a proactive approach:

Automatic chat popups can be used to invite your customers to chat anytime when you feel they might need help. For this, you can set up your greetings, once your customer enters your website. These automatic chat invitations can be sent after they have browsed your website for a few minutes. This proactive approach is especially useful in case of the customers who don’t like making the first move and may end up leaving your website frustrated and empty-handed.

Instils a sense of trust in your customers:

A live chat feature on your website shows that you are easy to contact and ready to provide a 24x7x365 assistance. When the customers are ensured that they’ll always have someone to get their queries resolved, they can move down the sales funnel easily.

Helps extend your social reach: 

You can consider training your live chat agents to make the most out of positive feedbacks. For instance, you can instruct your chat agents to remind your visitors to like your facebook page or subscribe to your YouTube channel and so on. This can help extend your social reach to a large extent.