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24/7 customer support

Live chat cuts down on expenses.

By lcasite

March 31, 2024

The basic trouble with online shopping is that there are many customers who are disconnected from someone who relate with their queries and help them in real time with accuracy. Simply watching the prospects click away from your ecommerce sites, there are businesses who have realized the potential of live chat and have started to incorporate them onto their sites.

With live chat, the business have the ability to communicate with their customers and provide them with answers to their concerns, and at the same time adding vital benefits to the staff and bottom line of companies.

Live chat has also proved that it can save on both employee task time and phone expense too. Some of the examples of cost savings are:

1. The entire center cost is reduced by lowering the average interaction costs.

2. Live chat also increases efficiency by allowing the representatives to handle multiple chats simultaneously, which in turn reduces the requirement if hiring more man power.

The employees are spending less time on the phone and hence they can multitask during chat conversations, thus cutting the waiting queue only to a fraction of its original size as compared to a call center.this not only enhances the process but it also increases the opportunity of overall sales.

Live chat is also very simple to implement. There is no structured wiring or lengthy codes required to integrate with your existing CRM.

Just a couple of codes and your live chat widget is ready for the website.

Live chat, nowadays is becoming the exceptional customer service support tool.



For live chat contact us