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Live chat : Discover customer pain points

By lcasite

April 20, 2024

The new digital marketing and the internet revolution has introduced many terms that are used while conducting business and “pain point” is just one of them.

Pain point, is simply a problem that a customer is encountering and has not been solved or a problem that has not been addressed.

With the conventional support systems like email or phone calls, it is not possible to acknowledge the pain points of the customers as they are only heard by a team or an individual.

But with live chat at your website, the chat transcripts are available to all the team members, administrators and supervisors.

Therefore the management can easily access the problems and the needs of the customers and also work on the solutions, finding effective ways to address and resolve them.

One of the awesome benefits of live chat.

Faster problem resolutions

With live chat, your customers can get immediate assistance. Live chat allows the customer to get in touch with the chat agents, who are drowned with powerful insights, to guide them through their online shopping excursion. The visitors who are browsing at your website may encounter difficulties and if they are not assisted instantly, they will be frustrated and will leave your website to check out your competitors website.

With live chat, the probability diminishes, as the concerns and the queries of the customers get resolved in real time and the customers are also happy and delighted after interacting with the live chat agents.



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