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Live chat for customer service.

By lcasite

April 04, 2024

Businesses are engaging more and more customers through online channels. Hence they also require to fully support their online customers experience and also provide them with quality online support. Live chat is proving to be a great tool for online customer support in addition to phone, email, self-service and video customer channels. It leads to happier customers, increase in sales and also a reduction in the service costs.

Live chat has seen a marked rise in sales. It is not the customers who adore live chat but even the business loves it too.

As per Anderson Consulting, there were more than 62% of the Internet consumers who said that they would purchase more products online if live customer support is available.

With such boost in online sales, live chat is seen to pay for itself many times over. There is also a reduction in the shopping abandonment by upto 30% and also a boost in the average order size. So there are plenty of reasons to have live chat at your website.

Now it is a fact that with a wide variety of choices that the customer have online, a customer at the stage where the item is in his cart is a real big deal! At this point if the customer needs any support, then the probability of making a call or sending an email is really poor. But f live chat is there at the website then because of its immediacy, he is dead sure to go for the option.

Hence just go for live chat!



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