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24/7 customer support

Live chat is a lot more than only reactive customer support!

By lcasite

March 18, 2024

It really does not matter what industry you are in, you do have some form of customer service support. It may be an email or telephone support or may be social media to provide answers and solutions to your customer queries.

You may be having the most intuitive design but than also you need to provide an additional support and guide to the existing and potential customers to achieve their goals.

Such an awesome customer support being high in demand is the live chat tool. Live chat just creates great experiences. In 2016, with live chat, just being there isn’t enough. You just can’t sit back relaxing and waiting for people to approach you for help. To create a great customer experience you need to be very much there for prospects and customers. You need that great customers experience to succeed. The clients will only choose you if you stand out of the competition and price and product will alone be not able to cut it. It’s the customer experience which will completely overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.

Things won’t work out with just offering a reactive support if you want to accomplish. Just waiting for your customers to face problem and then seek help is only going to stir negative experiences. Your support needs to be  proactive now. You need to offer them assistance before they even realize that they need it. For example if your client is facing an error during checkout, you need to offer help and get the issue resolved before the customer gets frustrated and abandon the cart.

This is all about being proactive live chat which is going to be the buzz in the coming years.



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