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Live chat is convenient for customers.

By lcasite

March 31, 2024

The customer expectations have simply touched new heights with every passing day. Providing support via phone and email have become the default standards for most of the businesses. So if you want to differentiate your business and enhance your customers experience, give your customer access to on-demand support.

Live chat may feel like another complicated channel to install and mange, but quite contrary, implementation of live chat has never been so easier and effective as today.

Live chat allows your customers to multitask. No one likes to spend their lunch break on hold with your company and neither do you require to do so with live chat. With live chat at your website you can carry on with your daily chores while waiting for that “ping” sound to let you know that your query has been replied.

Live chat also provides you with chat transparency which can be used as a proof of contact. While you are interacting on phone you do not get any recording of the verbal conversation. But with live chat, the majority of the live chat software offers you with the chat transcription of the interaction which can be used for recored afterwards.

This also gives you a point of reference in case any matter arises in future. This chat transcript can also be used by the chat agents in case of repeat visitors or customers. The customer instead of wasting time rehashing their support query, can simply have a look at the chat log and continue with the conversation.

Live chat is all there at your website to give you an awesome experience.



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