24/7 customer support

Live chat lands you with quality data

By lcasite

February 28, 2024

There is nothing important as compared to data in this Big Data world. Despite having wonderful features like multitasking, 24*7, cost effective simple to integrate , live chat also provides an additional layer of data to your current tracking and attribution tools. The data which you gather differs according to platform, but in general live chat delivers

Referring links: You can view the link that has directed the customer to your site. You can use this to filter what the client is looking for and can initiate a conversation if they have not started yet. This is also proactive chat, however be cautious that it does not seems to be intrusive.

Operating system and device: This gives you the information of the device the customer is using that is whether its a mobile, desktop or a tablet. It also makes you aware of the operating system the customer is comfortable with. Keeping this in mind you can upgrade and tailor your support and promote relevant products or services.

Active or idle: Here with live chat you can have an idea if your customer is currently reading pages or idle, that is not actively moving their cursor or scrolling.

Time on site: This will enlighten you whether the visitor has just moved to your site or is been browsing for some time and is it the right time to initiate for help, that is send a chat request.

Number of visits: Live chat monitors about the frequency of your visitor at the site. It can also differentiate if there is some new visitor.

Number of chats: You can also see whether the visitor is using the customer service support for the fist time or it has been served before by your chat agent team.

Location : The live chat platform will tell you the city and country, the customer is chatting from.

With the entire information at your disposal you can adapt your software to provide better on demand customer support.

For live chat contact us