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Live chat – Lead generation

By lcasite

March 28, 2024

The main goal of the lead generation service is to engage with the relevant visitors that may click away from your website without taking any action. Here the major concern is to engage the right visitors, at the right time which may be interested to get convert but couldn’t.

This just implies that it is your responsibility to make sure that your invaluable prospects have all the information and motivation they require to make move towards the next stage of buying. Before interacting with the clients, just remember that there may be visitor that are leaving websites who are the potential leads.

With live chat, you can interact with the visitor at the very moment, and also provide them with all the information that they may require. However make sure that not everyone is interested to talk. There may be visitors who are at the site at the very first stage of research and are probably just reading and quiting the website in a haste.

With live chat, you can monitor the customers behavior pattern and analyze it which could guide you where the prospects need a little encouragement, where they require some more information which they need to build the important bond with the brand.

We can also give a thought on the kind of chat invitation we are using to assist these prospects and ease lead generation. Instead of just waiting for the customer to interact when he is in a fix we can also initiate chat on the behalf of the company. This is the proactive chat and is loved by the customers.



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