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Live chat opens the door for upsell opportunities

By lcasite

February 24, 2024

With live chat your customers are provided with the ease and comfort of getting their questions answered right at their computers. This is a huge confidence booster for potential customers. Just imagine they are on line at your website and confused or having some doubts about the specifications of the product. With no assistance they would click away from your site to your competitors site. So what are you basically doing? You are loosing your customers.

If at this moment they receive assistance and get their queries resolved they would be yours. Yes you have converted those visitors into your customers. This is what live chat is all about.

It gives you support on demand. You don’t have to make a call or mail your questions. At the very site where you are browsing is the option of a live chat button, use it and make your shopping easy and fun.

Live chat is perhaps the biggest profit booster of all. It is not just limited to solve customer’s inquiry or problem but the main interaction begins from this point. Once the doubts are resolved the smart customer representative can now make the customer know about the sale currently going on, or a discount coupon available for the very thing the prospect seems to be interested in to purchase. This can up swing the up sell door wide open, as the customer does not require to off site to look for coupon codes or to comparison shop at other sites.

Live chat also provides valuable analytics and metrics to measure sales performance and even integration wijth the most popular on line platforms including WordPress, Joomla and many more.

For live chat contact us