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24/7 customer support

Live chat – Proactive outreach

By lcasite

March 25, 2024

Live chat ability to permit your visitors and customers to communicate with the business cannot be stressed enough. But the proactive outreach abilities of live chat for your business truly makes it powerful. Live chat is basically of two types, reactive and proactive.

Reactive live chat is where the customer gets in touch with your company once they have any problem and are bothered.

But proactive chat allows the chat agent to interact with the customers even before they encounter the problem. That means the support is right there before you become frustrated and move away from the site. This is something really to be appreciated.

How can a business wait for its customer to get frustrated and then click at live chat?

Proactive chat is also favored for pages who see a high percentage of bounce rate. Here the chat agent on the behalf of the company takes the initiative to ask the visitor if he requires any help. The chat agents have the authority to keep an eye on the visitor, as to which pages he is surfing, for how long has e been on a particular page and what is the source that has droved him to your sight. With all this valuable information he can also get to know of the visitors interest.

Thus he can help the visitors to find the information more quickly and accurately. Even the chat representative can also guide them a to make the correct choice and also introduce them more products and services which might suit their interest or matches their requirements.

Proactive chat is highly loved by the customers.


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