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Live chat provides convenience for customers

By lcasite

March 07, 2024

According to Forrester research study it has been seen that 44% of customers say that just having a question answered by a real person in the middle of their shopping expedition is one of the best and important feature a website can offer.

With live chat you need not remain tethered to your chat window as they are working. Any good live chat software comes with the added convenience with things like visual and sound alerts when they are equipped with a reply. With live chat you can go multitasking and just receive a notification when the new reply is at the screen.

The additional features with live chat that are also there are chat protocols, tracking and live analytics, integration with CRM tools and of courses team work. After all live chat is all about team work.

Chat Protocols

Majority of the protocols already save a copy of the chat. This is a great concept if you want to evaluate the quality of your chat agents.

Tracking and live analytics

This give you an idea of where your visitors are from, which page they are referring, for how long they had been on a particular page, what has inspired them to be at your site or simply what are the steps which led them to your site. Just enlightening yourself with so much knowledge will make you help them more efficiently than ever before. This is also very helpful in case of proactive chat where having a complete knowledge of their background makes you more comfortable and confident to start a chat.

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