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24/7 customer support

Live chat taps into customer pain points.

By lcasite

March 31, 2024

What is pain point of a customer? Pain point is nothing, but the frustration or need of the customers that yet requires to be filled.

With live chat you can provide immediate access to your customers pain points. When the customers are there at your site, browsing they can simply get in touch with your business representative, when they encounter a problem. All their concern, queries are answered. When the customers are interacting with live chat agents, they usually try to ensure that a product will perform as mentioned or advertised and similarly the promotion will provide the discount that they want.

With live chat, the agents also have the liberty to interact on the behalf of the company. This is known as the proactive chat. Here the agent does not wait for the customer to initiate the conversation. If he finds the visitor struggling with some queries, or if the visitor is at a particular page for quite long, the chat representative can initiate the interaction on the company behalf also.

This will delight the customer as he is not pissed off and get help just at the right time, that also in real time.

Proactive chat also can enhance the shopping cart. There may be products and services that suits and matches the customers requirement but the visitor might just not be aware of it. The chat agent can talk to the visitor, resolve his doubts and also get the product and services introduced.This can augment sales and even boost traffic.

Live chat, there at your website can easily give you a seamless online shopping experience.


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