Website content and live chat

24/7 live chat agents

Live chat and quality content: A magical blend for great conversions!

By lcasite

January 21, 2024

They say- Content is the king!

But does that mean it can ensure conversions, all on its own?

The answer is a big ‘No’!

Unfortunately, no matter how informative and relevant the content of your website may be, it won’t ever be enough to convert most of your visitors into your customers. As a webmaster, you can’t afford to leave your visitors alone on your website even for a single moment. So, do you need to be present on your website day and night? No! But, you need to ensure that a real human being is always present on your website to serve your visitors.

What can be done?

Instead of relying only on the content of your website for conversion, you also need to rely on a live chat service provider. The live chat agents taking care of your website should be aware of everything related to your website. They need to be familiar with the products that you intend to sell through your website. They should always have all the answers your visitors are looking for.

During the course of their conversation with your visitors, live chat agents need to be polite irrespective of the types of questions being thrown at them. They can’t keep each one of them happy but the satisfaction of most of them is important for you. You should always take the feedback from each and every chat seriously and based on it, you should either decide to persist with your service provider or part ways with it.

Give your online shoppers exactly what they want

E-commerce is growing at a rapid pace and your website should be designed in such a way that the 24/7/365 live chat service works equally well on PCs and smartphones. The reason behind this is, most of us are the owners of the latter. So, if you have served your visitors only through content, you should instantly serve them with around-the-clock live chat service too. Why? Because this is what they expect from you. Also, in order to succeed in the market, you need to live up to the expectations of your customers.

So, no doubt, quality content is highly important for the success of a website but it’s not the only thing that ‘ll lead to conversions!