
24/7 customer support

How long should my live chat service be available?

By Live Chat Agent

December 30, 2023

Are you an e-commerce entrepreneur looking for a live chat software for your website? Are you muddled as to how long you should be available on chat? If yes, you’ve landed up at the right place. Your availability on live chat should be decided based upon a number of factors:

Know when the customers reach out to you the most:

Find out what time of the day customers seek for live chat assistance the most. Note down the time of the day when they fill out the offline forms the most.

Analyze the tickets received from visitors:

Tickets are basically raised for instances when the customers need your assistance but you are not available. These tickets let you know the number of customers who wanted to talk to you but could not. Thereafter, you can use these tickets to focus on those particular hours when they wanted to reach out to you.

Leverage Google analytics:

Your live chat unavailability obviously leads to you losing leads. Visitors who find out that you are unavailable, tend to abandon your site rather than writing to you. This is because they feel even if they try to reach out to the support team through offline forms, nobody would respond.

Be available on mobile:

Customers today tend to access the internet through their mobile devices. So, there are chances that they try to reach out to the customer support team when they are moving. Providing live chat feature for the mobile devices can allow you to be available even if the customers try to contact you while they are traveling or working remotely.

The ultimate solution:

It is advisable to be available on chat for as long as possible as it assures your customers that you’re always there. This assurance further builds up trust and strengthens customer relationships in the long run. Even if you are not able to provide a 24/7 live chat assistance, consider availing live chat services from experts like LiveChatAgent.