Customer testimonials


How to make the most out of customer testimonials?

By Live Chat Agent

January 03, 2024

The most powerful tool that a business can possess today in this highly competitive world is ‘WOM’. However, a lot of effort goes into gaining loyal customers who would be a source of WOM marketing. Once a business gains a loyal customer base, customer testimonials and feedback can then be collected and used in the most appropriate way, so as to make the most out of them. Here are the best ways of doing so:

Identify what best suits your business:

Well, customer testimonials are not just limited to client quotes now. Also, what works for one business may not work for the others. So, it’s advisable to test and identify what type of customer testimonials provide the most favorable outcomes. Thereafter, client quotes, pictures or videos can be added as social proofs to get the desired results.

Leverage storytelling:

Customer testimonials that are created in a storytelling format are highly capable of enticing the website visitors and keeping them glued for hours. The best practice suggests starting off with a vivid description of the issue that the customer faced and end it with an enviable, headache-free outcome. The entire thing should be effective enough to describe how a particular product or service of yours was able to help out the customer.

Show accountability:

It’s futile ignoring the negative comments from dissatisfied customers. In fact, answering negative questions is actually like admitting your mistakes. The best way to do so? Obviously customer testimonials.

Make use of photos and videos:

Visual content adds to the power of the written one. Photos and videos bring more credibility. While photographs instill a sense of trust in the customers, videos enable them to see beyond the words. They get to hear the tone through videos which is much more personal tends to be more persuasive.

Put up a group of testimonials:

It’s easy to ignore a single negative review but what about a group? So, it’s advisable to showcase a group of customer testimonials so as to boost the credibility of your business and then make the most out of it.

Customer testimonials are much more than social proofs. Leverage them to take your business to an entirely new level!