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Reduce basket abandonment with live chat

By lcasite

April 16, 2024

According to Baymard institute, the average online shopping cart abandonment is almost 68%. This figure has been estimated from 27 different studies and are focusing as to why eCommerce stores are desperate to reduce basket abandonment.

It has also been revealed that by 2016, the entire abandonment rate will be costing up to$31 billion.

Let us focus on the main reasons for abandonment. It is simple, the customers are not able to find the information that they need the most. However there are 26% of the shoppers who are just placing items in the basket to checkout the delivery costs.

The solution to the above hazard is simple, provide live engagement through web chat which can be used to solve the customers issues. If the customer is finding any problem in getting a piece of information on your site, live chat is clearly visible at your website and it implies that your customers come to your live chat agents to find the solution.

With live chat, the users don’t come up instantly but look as if they are about to abandon can be engaged with. However using a proactive chat can really motivate the visitors who feel that there question is too small, to get their questions answered and the problem solved.

So having reactive live chat at your site is just not enough, as there are times when the visitors are hesitant to take the initiation. Here proactive live chat wins the battle!

So get live chat at your website to give your customers simply the best!


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