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The ultimate in customer service : Proactive support

By lcasite

March 02, 2024

Quality customer service is the buzz of today market. However remember that the customer service does not start when the customer encounters a problem, it begins the very moment a potential customer finds your e-commerce business and is surfing at your site.

The traditional business model is that the customer has an issue, he contacts the customer service and then the issue is taken care of, the model is more reactive.

Now proactive customer service is something different. It mainly focuses on proactive communication and it aims to have customer satisfaction, your business’s top priority.

Which really looks enchanting?

Being in action before a problem occurs or waiting for the problem to bud and then look for a solution?

Anticipating problems before they arise based on past client’s experiences will lessen the amount of inquiries you receive , will also allow you to solve problems before they heighten up and in turn increase build your customers trust, faith and loyalty in your business.

With proactive support, the customer support representatives aim to provide each customer with highest quality of service before, during and after a purchase is made. In fact if more concern and attention is given before the deal is cracked as in pro active support, a lot of issues are curbed, there at the moment, itself.

It has also been statistically proved according to a study by InContact, 87% if customers wish to be contacted pro-actively by a business, than making efforts on their part to reach out to the customer service support.

It has also been witnessed that 3/4 customer says that a proactive communication results a positive impact in the perception of the business calling them.

Proactive customer support does works and clients simply love it.

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