Net promoter score


Net promoter score: Here’s all that you should know and do to boost it!

By LiveChatAgent

January 21, 2024

Net promoter score refers to a management tool that can be utilized to gauge the loyalty of a firm’s customer relationships. NPS measures the loyalty that exists between a service provider and a consumer. The provider is the entity that is asking the questions on the NPS survey and consumer is the customer, employee, or respondent to an NPS survey.

Since net promoter score of any company correlates with the revenue growth, so it is very important to achieve a high NPS. Some proponents of the net promoter score suggest this methodology can be used to measure, evaluate and manage employee loyalty. According to them, collecting the feedback from employees in a manner similar to net promoter customer feedback can provide companies a way to maintain focus on their culture. So, to sum it all, NPS plays a vital role in the success of a business and the most efficacious way to increase your NPS is to make your product or service more popular and draw more promoters. Here are some of the tips that can help improve your NPS effectively:

Conduct deeper customer surveys

Apart from the NPS surveys, you should trigger more specific customer surveys at targeted customer touch-points and after key customer events, such as point of sale or just after the customer has engaged with your website or visited your store. As a matter of fact, the more focused and event-driven your surveys the better your market feedback will be. Inculcating smart surveying practices can lead to a significant increase in your NPS.

Encourage and reward customers for promoting your brand:

You should encourage your customers for promoting your brand on social media. This will lead to the willing promotion of your brand through tweets or posts on different social media platforms. Make it a point to Make sure you reward them for all these efforts. As a result, you will find in return, a valuable, long-term asset who can’t stop spreading the good word about your brand.

Value the detractors:

You need to know that while promoters are useful for businesses, detractors also have great feedback value. Figuring out why they are unwilling to pass on the good word about your product can prove to be extremely helpful for your business. This may further help in rectifying poor customer service and glitches in your product that make it second best to your competitors.

Provide consistent customer service:

In order to increase your net promoter score, it is very important to provide a high quality, consistent service. That’s important because it leads to a good customer experience. It also increases the likelihood that your product will be recommended to others.

Create feedback communities for promoters:

Creating panels and feedback communities for the group of consumers that are categorized as promoters will help you discover specific improvements in the short-term. This will further help to develop wide-ranging changes and better products and service in the long term.

Dissect and study the data thoroughly:

One of the most effective ways of improving net promoter score is dissecting the data using basic demographics. You may consider location, business type, business size, the profession of customers, etc. This will help to target your customer marketing efforts and measure the results of those campaigns. Also, this will enable you to weight your results by the value and size of your segments. Once armed with that data, you can prioritize which customers to engage. After you have determined the different ways to segment your data, next you need to tackle the comments. You can then divide them into the different segments you created. Next step is to tag each comment and observe the related patterns. Lastly, you are required to look for patterns amongst your detractors for any positive comments they happen to make. You also need to study any common issues your promoters raise.

Value even the minute things:

Since people have only one textbox to provide feedback, so they tend to share the biggest influencers on their score. You need to know that apart from prioritizing big projects you need to consider little things as well. While working on your product or services, you need to know how you can improve the overall experience.

Hope the post was helpful!