How a business can deal with customer complaints


Here’s how a business can turn customer complaints into assets

By LiveChatAgent

February 04, 2024

Every business fears any kind of negative publicity. However, it’s not at all easy to avoid it. That’s because the customers today are quick enough to blurt out all their grievances publicly. And when that happens, what should a business do?

Read on to know.

Leverage social media monitoring:

Be active on social media because that’s where you’ll find the majority of your customers today! Keep a check on every brand mention on all the social platforms.

When you are aware of what customers have to say about your business, no matter good or bad, you can have a clear idea of how your brand is performing. You can thank your customers for the appreciative comments. Likewise, you can immediately reach out to a customer in case of a negative comment. You can then ask what particular issues he/she had with your brand and try to fix the problem asap.

Just make sure that the interaction, you have with a dissatisfied customer is public for others to see. That’s important to let the other people know the exact matter. It further lets everyone know what you’re doing to fix the issue.

Respond to the complaints:

Ignoring customer complaints is not a solution. In fact, if you do this, people will assume you don’t value their opinion.

On the other hand, if you respond, it gives an impression that you care, as a business, and you are trying to make an effort. Moreover, this effort of yours can actually help gain brand loyalty.

Be a good listener: 

In case, you wish to respond to the customer in a private interaction, just make sure that you pay attention to each and every detail.  Listening actively will show your customers that you understand.

Wondering how you can do that?

Suppose, your customer has a lengthy issue and he/she conveys it through a message. You can convince the customer that you are taking the issue seriously and striving hard to provide the best possible solution. A clever hack to show that you are being a good listener is to repeat the main points and then ask clarifying questions!

Admit and apologize:

In the most typical scenarios, customers would complain due to some genuine problem. Just carry a positive attitude and empathize with your customers so as to ensure that you value them.

Further, give them an opportunity to fully explain their problem so that you can dig deep into the problem and come up with a solution. In the case of a confusion, put forward the facts that prove that it was a mere confusion. However, you need to admit your mistakes when you are at fault. Take ownership of the problem and apologize to your customer. Nothing can calm down an infuriated customer faster than a humble apology.

Provide a compensation along with a perfect resolution: 

Now that you have admitted your mistake, it’s time to set the things right. It’s time to compensate for whatever went wrong. However, you need to make sure that whatever you did doesn’t look like a consolation. That’s because your customers are probably looking for an appropriate resolution and not just a consolation.

Wondering how that can be done?

Well, you can do that by providing compensations like refunds, coupons or wallet money for another purchase that will encourage him/her to come back. Additionally, work together to find a solution that satisfies ye customers and you alike.

Go that extra mile to keep your customers happy: 

Every business around the globe has a certain set of rules and regulations that are meant to be followed.

Who on earth said those rules can’t be modified when it’s needed?

Yes! That’s what a business should do when it makes sense and is appropriate. When the ultimate aim is to make the customers happy and provide them the best kind of problem resolutions, it’s okay to keep the rulebook aside and make some amendments as per the requirement.

After all, the rules are designed to make things work more efficiently, aren’t they?