Live chat greeting

24/7 live chat agents

Make your first impression the best impression with live chat

By LiveChatAgent

January 04, 2024

What do you expect to happen when you enter a showroom? Wouldn’t you want someone to be there to welcome you and greet you in the best possible manner? Well, that’s exactly what the website visitor’s want when they opt for live chat assistance.

It has long been said and believed that the first impression is the last impression. It’s absolutely true when it comes to customer service and specifically live chat! A live chat agent’s greeting results into the customer’s judgment that further dictates the agent’s ability to serve him or her. So, it becomes quite important to create a good first impression. But how’s that done? Let’s have a look:

Create appropriate live chat greetings:

Always remember that the way you greet your customers sets a tone of the conversation. Prepare a list of customer greetings. Make sure that none of your greetings is too long or too short. In fact, it should be a concoction of professionalism, personalization, and friendliness.

Provide a quick response:

As a matter of fact, customers prefer live chat over other communication channels as it is the quickest of all. Since they expect a quick response, so, you should strive to answer chat requests in the shortest possible time. In such situations where it’s not possible to revert back quickly, make use of auto allocation feature of live chat. This feature can easily be combined with a setting to automatically send canned greetings to customers right at the instant they reach out to you through live chat.


Customers expect personalization. In other words, they look forward to interacting with a human and get their queries resolved. In order to provide a personalized experience, you need to swap names with the customers. This simple act can actually help convince the customers that they’re interacting with a real human and not a chatbot.

Inject your chat greetings with enthusiasm:

Wondering how that’s done? It’s easy! This can be done in the case of repeat customers. This requires using live chat analytics so as to dig deep into customer details like demographics, name, past visits etc. Based on this data, the canned greetings can be modified so as to radiate positive energy through live chat. Moreover, adding just the right kind of punctuation can help enhance the quality of the greeting further.

Once you have these greetings ready, you are all set to create that ‘best’ impression!