Employee engagement

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Top 6 employee engagement strategies to make your team feel valued

By lcasite

December 13, 2023

Employee engagement refers to the property of the relationship between an organization and its employees. Also, an “engaged employee” is the one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about his/her work. He takes positive action to further the organization’s reputation and interests. Employee engagement when implemented appropriately provides a number of benefits to the organization.

Make your workplace engaging:

Creating an engaging workplace is the very first initiative towards employee engagement. You can do this by creating an office or workspace where employees actually enjoy spending time. For instance, you can consider painting the office walls with bright colors, creating collaborative workstations and break rooms etc. Also, you can consider sharing some positive and uplifting stories or news to keep your team motivated.

Acknowledge your employees’ advice:

You can keep your employees engaged by involving them in meaningful improvement initiatives. Asking for employee feedbacks can help target organizational and employee issues. You can then solve such issues so as to achieve a proper alignment with goals, remove personal or professional obstacles, and build trust with co-workers and seniors. This further leads to an increased employee engagement.

Celebrate achievements:

It is essential to recognize employees for their hard work. So, make it a point to celebrate individual as well as team achievements and hard work. As a matter of fact, employees do their jobs more efficiently when you appreciate them and make them feel valued.

Socialize to enhance employee engagement:

Socializing is yet another powerful employee engagement strategy. Socializing may include office parties or after work dinners. No matter what your idea of socializing is, it is quality time spent together with colleagues. This can lead to better teamwork, more effective communication, and increased job satisfaction.

Easy communication:

Transparency is the key to employee engagement. When the employees talk to managers about their work and the management also shares the news about the business progress it results in a fluent communication. The employees can actually know the outcome of their contribution.