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24/7 customer support

Use live chat to increase sales conversions

By lcasite

March 10, 2024

Excellent customer service is the best way for small players to compete with big business in the market. The most obvious way when the live chat enters into the scene is when the customer is done with his on line shopping cart but still have some confusion and need to resolve their queries before they are ready to complete their purchase.

The chat button simply lets the shoppers connect with the customer- service representative and get their last question answered. It may just seem a button but quite contrary to it, it emerges out to be a powerful tool which could directly impact the sales and increase on line sale conversions.

The chat based support is also useful at other times mostly in the sales cycle. The companies basically have three ways to let their customers get in touch with them, the are the email, phone and chat. But the substantial options do arise with some problems too.

People just don’t favor email as they do not get immediate response, similarly the customer representatives can only effectively deal with one phone call at a time which may lead up to long queues. However live chat gives you the benefit of doubt as it allows you to handle three to four chats simultaneously.

With live chat you will just add to the delight of the customers as they will get the response of their questions instantly which will leave them more satisfied and happy. You are also to see a rise in sales as happy customers are to make more purchases.



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