

Great web design hacks to boost your sales insanely!

By LiveChatAgent

January 08, 2024

What business, in this whole wide world, wouldn’t want to boost its sales?

Business is all about selling and if your web design, sales, and marketing efforts are not helping with it, you are going nowhere!

At the end- the only thing that matters in a lucrative market and in this world full of competition is ‘great sales’!

When we talk about leads, sales, conversion, and profits in this web literate world, the very first thing that needs to be considered is a business’s website. Here’s all that your website design should have in order to help boost your sales.

Buyer personas: 

Buyer personas basically let you know what prospective customers are thinking and doing as they weigh their options to resolve an issue that your business looks after. Building buyer personas is crucial for a business’s growth. They help have a deeper understanding of customer requirements and streamline your business’s internal systems to meet these requirements.


If you want people to buy from you, you need to give them a reason to do so. The simplest way of doing that is to humanize your website design. You have to connect with your target audience on an emotional level and instill trust in them. As a matter of fact, emotions drive business sales. So, show your target audience how your customers feel using your products or services. Put up videos, images, and testimonials from your happy customers to drive more sales.

Live chat:

Embed a live chat service on your website to ensure a 24/7 assistance to all your website visitors. Live chat can help your customer service reps to answer pre-sales questions, keep prospects glued to your website and move them down the sales funnel in an effective manner.


Include a blog section in your website design. Quality and informative content have the potential to drive more and more sales. Gear up your marketing team and encourage them to put up rich, informative, reader- and search-engine- friendly content. Be transparent to your target audience and explain how your products and services helped your customers. Let them know about your future endeavors through your blog.

Check out progress bar:

Simplify your checkout process. Include a ‘checkout progress bar’ in the website design. This eliminates the need for a confusing website navigation and lets the customers know where exactly they are in the purchase process.

Your business profits are sure to skyrocket if all of the above elements are a part of your website design!