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24/7 customer support

What additional feature do live chat support tools offer? – Part I

By lcasite

April 11, 2024

Adding live chat at your website has not been that simple always. Even a few years before, having live chat at your site meant that you had to install the software on your own server and have to really lighten your pockets to maintain the system. The bottom line – live support was simply a fantasy for most of the small and medium scale enterprises.

However the times have changed and now implementing live chat at your site is no more a delusion. Now what you need is to simply copy a couple of lines of code that is provided by your vendor and just put it on your website. It is indeed simple and does not includes any technical aspect.

Despite answering your queries in real time, there are many other comforts also, provided by live chat.

Proactive chat

There are times when the chat agents are not facing heavy traffic. These moments can be utilized to start chats pro actively on the companies behalf. This will make you reach to a lot more customers. But be sure that the chat does not start in an intrusive manner which may force the user to manually ignore or close the chat so that he is comfortable browsing.

Offline mode

You can set the software setting also, so that when there is no chat agent available, the client instead of simply disappearing can get his details registered into a contact form, so that they can be contacted later.



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