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What is live chat?

By lcasite

April 15, 2024

Live chat, is no doubt a powerful tool to start up an online communication between a business and a client in real time or even during business to business communications online. Once the chat is initiated, the visitor can communicate with the salesperson or the chat agent via text messages on the screen. The main motive of live chat is to have the company or the brand address the concerns and queries of the consumer.

There was a recent survey carried by the eDigital Research, and it stated that the consumers were more satisfied with live chat as the mode of customer support than compared to any other channel like email, phone or social media.

This study suggests that the client’s expectations are changing and they no more appreciate automated answering systems and the delays which are attached with phone support.

Live Chat Satisfaction

The response of the consumers is just showing that the consumers are comfortable with live chat and even many of the online businesses are using live chat support to make their customers experience incredible by responding to their queries in real time.

Even as per a survey conducted by Forrester Research, it was revealed, “ Around 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer.”

Hence live chat is the perfect tool to make your customers online shopping experience delightful!



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