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What is live chat?

By lcasite

April 17, 2024

Live chat is indeed a powerful tool to start interaction between a business and a consumer in real time or in a business to business communications online. Once the chat is initiated, the customer can communicate with a customer service representative or a sales man through text messages on the screen.

The main concept of live chat is to address the queries and the concerns of the clients by your brand or business in real time.

According to a survey by eDigital Research, it was seen that the consumers were more content with live chat as the customer service as compared to other traditional customer supports like email, phone or social media. The feedback from the customers showed that they were comfortable with live chat systems and there were many online businesses that were adopting live chat to communicate with their customers and respond to their concerns.

The studies revealed that even the customer expectations are changing and they are no longer interested to write an email or satisfied with intricate automated answering devices and long waits when they call up your business for their concerns.

Live chat is doing an excellent job by allowing you to respond to your customer questions in real time by a live person and getting the potential customer concerns answered before they are over all the internet.

A survey done by the Forrester Research also states, “ Around 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a Website can offer.”



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