24/7 customer support

What is live chat support?

By lcasite

March 08, 2024

There exists a number of ways to for customers to contact for support with business. They include email, phone and social media too. But among them the most adored and appreciated quality customer support is live chat. Live chat is a software which is really worth for your business to invest in.

Live chat provides immediate help to your customers. There is no need to search for phone number or drill the website for the support section. Live chat helps you to engage with your customers instantly from wherever they are on the site. This works in favor for our business and puts your company in favorable position in the eyes of your customers as the customers can see that your business is responsive to your needs.

Live chat helps you to collect data. Having a look at the transcripts of your live chat you can determine ways to improve your service. By determining the length of the chat transcript you can make out whether the customer representative was able to solve the problem quickly or did it comprised of more steps than the necessary one involved.you can also monitor common problems showing in live chat which points that your self service support needs improvement. Live chat data is handy not only for a specific customer connection but because of the versatile data it collects which also helps in upgrading its customer support service.

It also gives you a lot more data such as referring link, the operating system and device which your customer is using, his frequency of browsing, the time which he spends on the site, number of visits which are entertained by the live chat representatives, the location and a real lot more. Live chat also generates leads which can be directly converted into sales.

Live chat in all way is there to enhance both your customer and business experience.

For live chat contact us