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What is proactive live chat?

By lcasite

March 04, 2024

Live chat, we are all familiar with. It is an indispensable, powerful, robust, influential tool at your website which makes your customers happy, makes your business happy and provides excellent results.

Now proactive live chat is also an important tool for increasing your conversions. Here the chat agent, instead of waiting for the customer to initiate the conversation, he himself will be the one to initiate the interaction.

Proactive live chat is basically used for the pages that experience high bounce rates or specific areas where the customers are to leave the purchase process. With proactive live chat, it is ensured that the customers receive personal engagement which will make them less likely to abandon their purchase.

In proactive live chats the agents are also empowered to offer recommendations on alternative or additional product that the customers may not be aware of but it suits or matches their taste and needs which in turn leads to additional sales and profits.

Proactive live chat can help with :

So with proactive live chat you are sure to ramp up your revenues.

For live chat contact us