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What is reactive live chat?

By lcasite

April 07, 2024

Live chat is the most common feature on the websites and its basic ‘reactive’ format provides simple and relative effective means to answer all your customer queries.

However reactive chat has its own limitations. Once businesses have experienced the benefits of live chat, that is communicating in real time with their customers with the help of on line chat solution, many of them move on to a “proactive” system.

A simple ‘reactive’ chat consists of having a chat system with an invite on all or some of its website pages, which appeal to the customers to click to the chat agent once they encounter a problem. This has been a marked improvement from the traditional phone systems as a “helpline”. With live chat the customers find it more convenient to click and speak immediately without leaving the site and at the same time they don’t have to negotiate an annoying hierarchy of menus.

Live chat is more cost effective as it allows you to deal with several customer queries simultaneously.

It also allows your customers to multi ask as there is no need for them to be tethered to the chat window. They can carry with their daily chores or just keep browsing and shall be intimated by the ‘ping’ sound as soon as the reply arrives.

Live chat is also easy and simple to implement. It is just a matter of few codes which need to be integrated with your existing CRM.

So live chat is basically a bundle of joy for your customers and business.

For live chat contact us