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Why is live chat more effective as compared to other customer support methods??

By lcasite

February 24, 2024

The current scenario of the on line market is not less than a battlefield. There is a fight on every day basis to overcome new challenges and satiate the customers high expectations. There is a constant fight to retain your customers from being encroached by your rivals.

How to attain this? The answer is irrespective of the company’s size, quality customer service is the key approach to get your question’s answered and doubts resolved in the most simplest way. A real-time live chat is something that adds a human touch to on line activity happening just anywhere in the world.

Many B2C e-commerce business have understood the importance of live chat tools and have incorporated the powerful gadget for providing customer engagement solutions for connecting in a better manner with their visitor. Even the B2B companies are showing a penchant for live chat.

The main reason to go for live chat as a customer service tool is the satisfaction level of the customer. Live chat projects highest satisfaction level for any customer support channel 73% as compared with 61% for emails and 44% for phone.


The other question which may strike you is will your customers respond to live chat? The answer is, yes for sure they will. And you may be astonished by the effectiveness of the gadget.

According to a survey 56% of visitors who are browsing a site with live chat as the feature have used it at least once to answer their question. Even 49% of customers prefer using live chat in their on line shopping.

The real time customer assistance and communication that a live chat provides gives users a different and exclusive experience.



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