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Why to have live chat at your website?

By lcasite

April 27, 2024

Are you giving a thought of adding live chat to your website? Live chat service opts to do more than just provide quick and painless customer service, depending upon your business. If implemented and used in the correct way it can hike conversions, number of returning visitors and thus revenues.

Live chat helps to escalate conversion rate and revenues.

Live chat is there at your website to help the customers to make instant decisions about the items they are looking for. When ever a prospect or a customer is engrossed in a doubt, he can easily approach the live chat agent and get his concerns and queries resolved. This motivates and boosts the customer to make more purchases as the customer also receives direction and advice on products and services which might be matching his interests and requirements.


With live chat you get easy navigations through your site and you may also complete transactions which may have not occurred otherwise.

It has also been revealed in surveys that 62% of the Internet shoppers say that they would have purchased more if they find a real live person at the website to help them, while they are on the shopping excursion. And even 38% said that they had made the purchase due to the live chat session.

The idea and option to chat with your company’s representatives will help you to retain customers and have a more friendly and engaging site.

So get live chat at your site and mark your improved conversions!


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