Tips for growing your personal brand: II

It takes time and effort to build and grow your personal brand but it’s worth it. It’s something that can follow you throughout your career. Moreover, it lets people know who you are and what you stand for. Here are some more tips to create a strong personal brand that you can always refer to when it comes to creating materials that support your brand:

1. Strive for perfection:

Once you are done with the identification of your uniqueness and strengths, strive for perfection. Never stop learning about your area of interest, not even if you become the expert in that area. So, all you need to do is read, absorb, and teach.


1. Share your knowledge with others:

Other than carrying on the process of learning, teach it and share your knowledge. You can do this through videos, social media, and also by writing both online and offline. This not only convinces people that you know your stuff but also provides exposure to your business.

Sharing knowledge
Sharing knowledge

2. Have a clear picture of your goals:

Prioritize your goals and use your values and priorities as an asset. These priorities and values will guide you both in action and your decision-making process and ensure that you stay on track.

Setting priorities
Setting priorities

3. Design your personal brand persona:

 Your persona can be created by:

i) Identifying your emotional appeal: 

It refers to identifying your personality features and other factors due to which people are attracted to your brand.

ii) Self-description:

It indicates telling who you are and why people enjoy working with you.

iii) Identifying your specialty:

It refers to the nature of your work such as what you do and how you stand out of the crowd. Moreover, what people want you to do also matters a lot in this case.

Creating your persona
Creating your persona




Tips for growing your personal brand: I

Building and growing your personal brand requires a lot of hard work and dedication. a strong personal brand is a valuable asset to every entrepreneur. Although brands and businesses might be built around ideas, they’re still ultimately represented by people.

1. Research:

This should be the first step of your personal brand building process. The basic idea is to figure out who you are as an individual, as well as a professional. It includes discovering things that inspire who you are as an individual and finding out what others think of you when they hear your name. Make a list of words that best describe your personality, values, and worth ethic. Now, narrow this list down into the words you want to be recognized by. Create a list of your likes and dislikes regarding your brand.  Pay close attention to what people say about your brand on social media platforms.


2. Identify and leverage your strengths:

Identify the characteristics that make you stand out of the crowd and then convince people why you are better than your counterparts. Know the areas of your expertise and leverage them to build your brand. You can even ask others for their views. They can help you discover that one thing which according to them you rock at.



3. Create a virtual platform:

Creating a virtual platform includes creating a website. You will also require social media accounts that represent your brand as these platforms will help you share your voice.

Building a platform
Building a platform

4. Do not fake your identity:

While building your personal brand you strictly need to avoid sugarcoating. Leverage your style and uniqueness to attract the jobs and clientele that you desire. Instead of faking your identity, discover your own style and create a new set of footprints for others to follow in.

Be yourself
Be yourself



Outbound marketing strategies to grow your business: II

1.Web syndication:

Web syndication is one of the many, highly effective outbound marketing strategies. It involves a website providing content to an arbitrary number of subscribing websites in order to redistribute it.  In case of subscribing sites, syndication is an effective way of adding greater depth and immediacy of information to their pages, making them more enticing and knowledgeable to users. On the other hand, for the providing site, syndication widens exposure, thus,  generating new traffic for the providing site. It further makes syndication an easy and reasonable form of advertisement. Web syndication is a highly efficacious outbound marketing tactic for promoting your product. as the prospective buyers won’t necessarily arrive at your website at the beginning of their buying journey.

Web syndication
Web syndication

2. Display advertising:

Display advertising refers to advertising on websites. This outbound marketing strategy involves many different formats and contains items such as text, images, flash, video, and audio. It can be leveraged to deliver general advertisements and brand messages to site visitors. When you want to target different demographic or behavioral actions, display advertising can prove to be extremely helpful. All you have to do is, select where you want the ads to be seen by identifying and selecting an online publication where your leads spend time. They are also effective at every stage of the funnel.

Example of display advertisement
Example of display advertisement

3. Re- targeting ads:

Retargeting is a term used for a cookie-based technology that uses a simple  Javascript code to anonymously follow your audience all over the web. Since it focuses your advertising spend on people who are already familiar with your brand and have recently demonstrated interest, so it exempts any sort of extra expense of advertising. Whenever a new visitor comes to your site, the code drops an anonymous browser cookie and when the same visitor browses the web, the cookie will let your retargeting provider know when to serve ads. Also, it ensures that your ads are served only to people who have previously visited your site.

Re- targeting ads
Re- targeting ads

Outbound marketing strategies to grow your business: I

Outbound marketing is a marketing methodology that tries to reach consumers through general media advertising as well as through in-person contact. Outbound marketing can be carried out in the form of TV advertising, face-to-face meetings, or cold- calling. Through each of these outbound methods, sales leads are generated and then followed up by internal sales representatives.

Outbound marketing
Outbound marketing

Some of the best outbound marketing strategies to grow your business are:

1. PPC ad campaigns:

PPC is a short form for pay per click that further refers to a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of driving traffic and buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to earn those visits organically. Your ads will appear as sponsored results at side or top of organic search rankings with PPC on search engines. PPC is the most efficacious way of drawing attention to the latest content or service offerings. Moreover, PPC ads are highly targeted, so, they can generate very high-quality leads.

Pay per click
Pay per click

2. Direct mail:

Direct mail consists of a wide variety of marketing materials, including brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters and sales letters. Direct-mail advertising is one of the most effective and profitable ways to reach out to new and existing clients. Direct mail is very effective when it comes to growing a business because it aims at targeted communications. You can actually grab the attention of your desired prospects by leveraging your creativity and the power of your message and presentation. Thus, direct mail is a very direct and powerful way to share your content asset.

Direct mail
Direct mail

3. Tradeshows and webinars:

Events such as tradeshows and webinars provide an opportunity to introduce and define your brand, clarify the solutions you provide and make personal connections with participants. Whether it’s an international trade show or an executive-level webinar, the two-way channel of interaction between customers, prospects, and your company is knowledgeable to them and beneficial for the businesses.
