Knowledge base content mistakes that may drive your customers away!

Knowledge base

Customer centricity, customer empowerment, and self-service are some of the prominent terms in customer service nowadays. These terms are all made effective in the form of a single informative knowledge base using a number of tools available.

Tools like WordPress, Heroic KnowledgeBase, KnowAll etc. allow the businesses to put up the best kind of enlightening content for their customers. However, the tools won’t magically do everything that a knowledge base is supposed to do. Also, the tools can help put up great knowledge base content but there’s still a high probability of things going wrong.

Here’s a list of all the mistakes that a business may be making despite a rigid support from these highly efficacious knowledge base creation tools. Take a look at the most common knowledge base content mistakes so that you keep them at bay: Continue reading “Knowledge base content mistakes that may drive your customers away!”

Top brand-building tools that’ll help your business stand out from the crowd


Firstly, what actually does brand-building mean?

Well, it’s the process of generating awareness, establishing and promoting company using strategies and tactics. It is the visual voice of your brand that differentiates you from your competitors. It further convinces people as to why they should choose you.

How do you make your visual voice stand out?

You need an efficacious visual representation of your company that is capable of conveying the branding of your company. For this, you need to opt for an exceptional brand building platform. Let’s have a look at the best ones:

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All that an exceptional social customer support does for your business

Social customer support

The world’s leading brands are more of social media savants today. In fact, every business or brand that cares about its customers is there where it’s customers are present- social media! Social customer support is no longer a trend now, it’s larger than reality!

Businesses around the globe turn towards social media following the belief that they can survive only if they are customer-centric! Social media is a place where a majority of the population is and where the brands can make the most out of their marketing efforts. Here are the top benefits a social customer support provides to the businesses leveraging its power:

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Some more lead generation myths that need to be busted right away!

Lead generation myths

Businesses, no matter what scale or size, can often get stuck in the lead generation maze! They often struggle to extract the best results out of their inbound marketing efforts.

The reason?

Well, it may vary from a poor choice of inbound marketing strategies to a crazy practice of blindly holding onto some weird lead generation myths!

Continue reading “Some more lead generation myths that need to be busted right away!”

The coolest brand building hacks you need to know today!

Brand building

What’s your idea of brand building?

What all do you think a brand needs to grow?

Well, if you ask us, brand building refers to boosting a brand’s equity directly through advertising campaigns and indirectly through promotions such as event sponsorship. In order to build your brand effectively, you need to employ an exceptional brand building process.

Continue reading “The coolest brand building hacks you need to know today!”

Some more customer service trends that’ll be huge in 2018!

Customer service trends

Customer service will always be a game changer for every business, no matter what scale or size. So, it’s imperative that every business follows the latest customer service trends so as to keep up with the ever-rising customer expectations.

We made you familiar with the top customer service trends that’ll be big in 2018! Here are some more.

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The art of setting better goals for your customer support team

Better goals for customer support team

You need to take good care of your customer support team!

You ask us why?

Well, that’s because your customer service representatives are the people who understand the needs of your customers. They further let you know the best ways to support them and boost customer satisfaction levels!

So, it’s imperative that you too pay attention to your customer support team and make it easy for them to serve the purpose they are there for. The best way to do that is to set such goals that give your team an understanding of what success looks like and how to reach it. Here are a few useful tips to help you with the same:

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Customer appreciation: The best ways to make your customers feel valued!

Customer appreciation

Why customer appreciation?

Well, according to a research, a customer appreciation strategy influences customer loyalty and advocacy, which in turn led to boosted sales growth. So, why not leverage its benefits? Here are the best customer appreciation strategies that can help benefit your business to a large extent:

Continue reading “Customer appreciation: The best ways to make your customers feel valued!”

The most successful ways a business can employ to educate its customers

Business empowering its customers

In today’s era, when we talk about customer centricity, it’s no more just limited to knowing the hidden requirements of the customers and keeping up with their expectations. It is more about a business empowering the customers and what better way to do that other than educating them?

Now the question is- how can that be done effectively?

Well, there are a number of tried and tested ways to do that. Read on to discover.

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Top factors that may be restricting the sales growth of your business

A drop in sales

Building a scalable, repeatable and predictable business that always has a favorable sales growth pattern is not an easy task.

Almost every business is affected by a number of issues that hinder its growth!

Even if you have a promising solution in a lucrative market and have the resources to boost your sales growth, it can be pretty tough to expand at the level predicted in your business plan or expected by your investors. Here are some critical factors that could be hindering your growth:

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Here’s how you can keep your customers coming back to your website!

Retaining customers

In order to keep customers glued or coming back to your site, you need to use baits! Yes! Just like you use for fishing! Return customers are extremely beneficial for any business as they have the power to be an online ambassador for your organization. As a matter of fact, loyal customers do not only pay for your products and services but also tell others about their experience. Therefore, you need to keep generating their interest time and again so as to keep nurturing them and keep them coming back to your site!

Continue reading “Here’s how you can keep your customers coming back to your website!”

Lead generation with LinkedIn: You won’t believe how easy it can be!

Lead generation using LinkedIn

How important is lead generation for a business?

Okay, let’s relate it to real life. How important is it for the humans to eat, drink or breathe to survive? Just like all of these activities are inevitable, lead generation is critical to a business’s survival!

That’s why businesses around the globe leave no stone unturned to generate and nurture leads. The most effective lead generation today, can be achieved through social media platforms especially LinkedIn. Here’s how it can be done effectively.

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The customer is always right- True or false?


A couple of cliches have been ruling the customer service domain for quite a long time now. One that’s said and heard most often is- The customer is always right. With a majority of the businesses moving towards customer centricity, going above and beyond to exceed customer expectations is quite obvious. However, taking all this to an extent where the business’s growth is at stake is not at all advisable. So, the mindsets of the business owners need to rise above all these cliches or else the business is bound to face the obvious consequences. Here’s all that can go wrong when following the norm that a customer is always right:

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That’s how you win your customers for life!

Customers for life

Businesses won’t exist without customers. Customers are undoubtedly the backbone of any business and that’s exactly what the majority of business owners believe in today! As a matter of fact, when customer relationships are valued more than the sales and profits, loyalty and retention are sure to be driven in automatically. Here are a few tips for improving customer service:

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Here’s why social media listening is significant for your business


Social media listening is the process of keeping an eye on what’s being said about a brand/business/company on social media platforms. With the customers being more empowered than ever today, word of mouth is the most influential form of marketing. So, monitoring what kind of perspective the customers’ have regarding a brand is very important to thrive in today’s competitive market. Read on to know the significance of social media listening:

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